October 27, 2013

The Magic of Raw Honey ~ My acne story

 So right after my birthday this year, I planned on making more "healthy" lifestyle choices which included getting rid of tea/coffee habit so I got into Green Tea. (which is highly raved about). I also shared about this on my facebook page.

Little did I know, this was NOT going to work for me and rather cause reverse effects! Here's a link(click here) of acne.org that links a thread of people who suffered from acne due to intake of green tea. Yes, I am not the only one.

Firstly, my skin started having little bumps on the right side of my face and I couldnt find the reason for those acne arising cause none of my skincare had changed then. It was so bad I couldnt even sleep on the right side of my face cause it would hurt so much.  :(
Being impatient I google-d to find out that many people were sharing the same issue where their acne problem were cause of the intake of green tea. Right when found a few such traces,no matter how good people raved, I immediately stopped the intake.

Remember, we are all different so we may not get the same benefits from everything that everyone else gets.
I didnt even want to know about any chemical solutions or order online any acne medicine as it would take time to arrive; and looked up for natural remedies. Soon I found out that natural raw honey is "supposed to" help cure acne. Honey has many other benefits too, try google :)

Around the same time, I was lucky enough that my father brought raw honey from our village. So ofcourse, the quality of honey was at its purest form.

I started to apply ONLY HONEY on my face every single day. Yes, I was desperate to get rid of this face that I couldnt recognize. It was my semester break at that time so I could manage the time to do this regime every day. I put honey on my face and let it sit for 40mins-1hour. If I could, I did this process even twice a day.
Once a week I would add a pinch of cinnamon to the honey and apply on my face. The cinnamon would spice it up a little. But never the less, I would say ONLY Honey did enough for me.

My skin purged. Yes it did. As you may see from the timeline pictures below, First the acne were little but aggressively would hurt; but just when I started the honey therapy, it kind of gotten bigger. I didnt stop cause many blogs says it pulls out the dirt off your face to cure it once and for all. I was determined and wanted to wait and see whether it would really work the magic or not. As you can see from the 6th picture, it started getting better. The pimples gotten less angry and smaller and slowly they went away by God's grace. Alhamdulillah.

Now, all I am left with are very light acne marks, which I am also hopeful that my new skincare regime is helping in fading away. I believe the Origins Brighter by Nature Pads have REALLY helped in fading those scars so fast.

I would say it took about 1-1.5months for the acne to completely vanish and now, I am more than happy with the result.

Many people ask me about why I am spending so much on skincare these days. It is because I felt its value when it was at its worse! I do have sensitive skin and I cant use products that many of my friends comfortably use. Hence, I am spending on things that will keep my skin at its best without making me feel low.

I am not saying green tea is bad, if you have it and it doesnt cause any issues for you, GREAT! But it just didnt suit me!
I am also not saying the honey therapy would work for everyone but you could atleast give it a try if anything else isnt working.

Also, if you cant get hold of raw honey, try to buy a good branded one from the department store, it surely would work- just might take a bit longer.

Now that I am a bit busy, I still apply honey to my face once or twice a week. Not only it is known for curing acne, it also gives your skin the moisture and specially n winter the effect is fabulously felt.

I hope this long-awaited post was helpful to you guys.
Keep me in your prayers. Do share your views on the comments section

Much love,

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