February 20, 2013

Sour Curd Face Mask

Firstly, I would like to apologize for not posting about this before. This is actually a gem that I found in my skincare routine and I wonder why I havent posted this for so long.

Yes, the sun is staring to shine bright bringing a lot of sunburns with it and thats how I recalled about this and immediately bought this yesterday and yes!!! its indeed a GEM!

 This is nothing special but just the basic sour curd or "tok doi" in Bengali. This works wonders for me to moisturise my skin, lighten dark spots as well as brighten the tone of my skin and ofcourse makes my skin so soft after the usage.
People say its great for dry skin but me having oily skin tried it and LOVED IT!!
So great for all skin types I would say.

I usually get the on e from Aarong, They recently changed their packaging and this huge 500gm container is priced around 100 taka I belive. I like this packing more. Its less messy and easy to store ofcourse.

I simply peel the protection cover from the side and try to avoid the watery part while taking the curd out so that I get a more concentrated pack,as otherwise the water keeps dropping from my face.

I usually need about 2 tea spoon for my whole face and neck and also save some up from that too and if I have time I use it on my hands :D
Usually I keep it for about 15-20mins and then wash off.

Using this after you come home from the sun will act as immediate removal of sunburn. But I usually get time for skincare at night so just do this as per your convenience.
Not everyday but even if I can make the time to use it 3 times a week...It sets me up soo rightt :D

Many people suggested me to mix this with uptans. Honestly, I have tried but the effect I get with using this alone is the best one!  And what better than such a natural face mask that surely has no side effects!:D

If there is anything that I dislike about this process... it is the expiry take...it usually expires in about 10days and even if u use this everyday for 10days you wont be able to use up even 1/5th...and this new packaging is hugeeeeee! Hence, my mom uses the rest of it in food content or healthy drinks.

This makes a great ingredient for many healthy receipies but that is a different tory altogether! ;) 

Hope this was a helpful most for all of you who were looking for an easy way to get rid of sunbrun!

Do share your views and experiences!

Much love,


  1. thnx a lot for such an easy remedy of sunburn.btw,plz suggest a good nightcream for oily skin which is available in BD.it wud be very helpful for us if u can do a post on basic makeup kit for oily skin(referring to what type of products oily skinned ppl shud use)

    1. thanks :) i do have a basic foundation routine posted...if u havent checkd already! and abt nightcream...none available in bd suits me..so vry sry for tht :(

  2. apu, u're doing a great job... i luvd dis post :) .. Stay Blessed
